In order to be more equitable for all Vashon Park District users, I move the following changes be made to the fees and services provided to the users effective January 1, 2015:
All charges for use of Paradise Ridge facilities to be reduced by one-third, rounded up to the nearest dollar;
Charges for use of fields to be increased from $15 to $18 per player for youth groups paying for a season;
Charges for use of fields to be increased from $15 to $25 per player for adult groups paying for a season;
Charges for use of gym space to be increased from $15 to $18 per player for youth groups paying for a season;
All other charges for school facilities to be increased by 20% rounded to the nearest dollar;
VPD to invest no less than $10,000 in providing services to Ober Park Users. Exact usage to be determined by users and can include free advertising and promotion of classes/events, scheduling assistance and other services;
Pool facility to staff additional lesson sessions and offer seasonal passes for lessons and pool usage discounted to less than 40% when purchased before May 1st and 25% thereafter.